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Technical information

In HORIZAL have technical information for customers who choose us to purchase products, such as:

This information is divided into:


Regulations on rails:

  • UNE 85-237-91

    Definitions, Terminology, Safety Conditions.

    1. Object

    This standard is intended to define the terminology of the elements, the criteria and requirements for the placement and use, safety rules dimensional, spaces, steps and gaps between elements, typology and symbolism of the railings and parapets.

    2. Scope

    This Standard applies to the railings and parapets whose height does not exceed 1,10 m for the protection of people and objects are likely to fall on terraces, roofs, balconies, galleries and windows located in exterior walls and patios, buildings, for housing and offices, and in the vicinity.

    Not included in this standard, handrails for public premises in which crowds of people providing, or those in the steps or locations reserved for staff use only repairs and / or maintenance.

    3. Rules for consultation

    A 85-239

    Rails-Calculation of sections of the elements, characteristics of the anchors, conditions of supply and installation work.

    A 85-238

    Rails Test Methods.



    NTE F.D.B


  • Protective height of the railings.

    Coalsa - Altura de protección de las barandillas

  • Gaps between bars, panels and facade elements.

    Coalsa - Vacíos entre barrotes, paneles y elementos de fachada

  • Distance between pilasters aluminum railings.The application of this standard for our railings approved, determines a maximum distance between pilasters 1.625 mm when it comes to private places and 1.000 mm they are public places. When a private rather be railing lateral, the distances between the last post of the front and front-side intersection, and between it and the immediate lateral pilaster, shall 800 and 300 mm respectively.

    Coalsa - Distancia entre pilastras en barandillas de aluminio

  • Garantía de calidad de los sistemas de aluminio HORIZAL.

    HORIZAL, Commercial Aluminium, S.A. guarantees the quality of its systems to the workshop to ensure, and the embroidery, the quality of the enclosures made with the same.

    The aluminum profiles are extruded alloys only first fusion and high quality, and in accordance with the UNE and ISO quality standards 9000.

    The lacquered surface treatment or anodized follow the following rules:

    • Lacquered: Thermolacquered polyester powder with minimum thickness of 60 microns, Label as QUALICOAT quality.
    • Anodized: A 15 microns with subsequent sealing temperature controlled, Label as EWA-EURAS quality.
    • Accessories, fittings and seals prescribed for each series have been approved by our technical services and meet the specifications of our systems.

    Enclosures made with systems HORIZAL were tested by independent laboratories to obtain the corresponding air permeability ratings, water tightness and wind resistance.

    The classification obtained for each series of carpentry indicated in the corresponding section of this catalog.

    Our Technical Department can provide photocopy of relevant certificates.

    The properties and characteristics of product quality HORIZAL are registered and valid in the ITEC Registration Materials (Institute of Construction Technology of Catalonia), so they are sufficient and valid for the purposes of quality control on site reception, as provided in Decree 375/1988 of 1 December, of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

    To ensure quality in the manufacture and application of the enclosures made with our systems should always be followed guidelines, methods and recommendations Our Technical Department.

  • Aluminum Maintenance Recommendations.

    Although aluminum nearly maintenance, to get a long life and smooth functioning of metal enclosures, the user should be informed about the cleaning and care minimums.

    • The cleaning should be as least once a year, better after winter, using a solution 5%, in clear water, of a neutral liquid detergent or soap, employing a sponge, cloth or soft leather, and avoiding the presence of anything that could scratch the finish (dust, arena,…).
    • Can not use abrasive cleaners, or abrasive materials, or organic solvents or detergents have unknown chemical composition.
    • It especially discourages the use of cleaner containing alcohol or ammonia.
    • There the user fully explain the operation of opening and closing mechanism, to avoid unnecessary operating errors and banging that may cause costly damage repair doors and windows.
    • It is advisable to lubricate the spinners (hinges) and sliding (Cremona, compasses) with some intervals can be annual. We recommend using the popular sprays and anti-moisture lubricant containing Teflon.
    • The sliding bearings, depending on its use, usually have a lower life of the window, so the user must be informed of the need to replace them as soon as you detect failures in the same, to prevent irreparable wear tread profile.
  • Dynamic testing of rails.

    Testing device schema for soft body impact large.

    Pass over the letters of the scheme to enlarge.


Barandillas de aluminio ANTARES

A classical balcony and elegant flowing lines
El diseño está presente en este modelo de barrotes. La línea “perfilada” de los pasamanos y los barrotes ovalados con formas redondeadas, le confieren un aspecto general innovador.


Barandillas de aluminio AREAL

Con miles de metros instalados por todo el mundo, la barandilla AREAL es el modelo HORIZAL “de referencia”. Se adapta a todos los estilos arquitectónicos con un notable toque de personalidad.

TECALUM Sistemes es distribuidor exclusivo para España de la gama de productos barandillas de aluminio de HORIZAL.

PERSIANES PRATS es distribuidor exclusivo para España de la gama de productos puertas y vallas de aluminio HORIZAL.