Horizal - Ir al inicio
+34 931 145 425

Specialized Distribution

Coalsa - Distribución especializada

In HORIZAL Us aluminum industry pioneers, we have more than 40 years in specialized distribution of aluminum rails, aluminum frames, aluminum doors and Aluminum fences, inter.

In HORIZAL store our aluminum Cantilever shelves in, through side loading trucks, and handle more than 2.000 tonnes per year with a high degree of productivity and security.

Inspection, the packaging of profiles and expressly conditioned transport fleet, ensure maximum delivery reliability, as well as, a dynamic and efficient guarantee a supply with adequate time to planning of work.

Above 40 years of experience as specialist aluminum support us.

The demands of our systems require us to have a increasingly complex estocs: compact stowage shelves with heights up 7 meters, to store more than 500 tons of profiles.

The fixtures and fittings supply is complementary to profiles.

The diversity of articles and references require a tidy store, effective management and a staff ready to advise the client on the purchase of our products.


Barandillas de aluminio ANTARES

A classical balcony and elegant flowing lines
El diseño está presente en este modelo de barrotes. La línea “perfilada” de los pasamanos y los barrotes ovalados con formas redondeadas, le confieren un aspecto general innovador.


Barandillas de aluminio AREAL

Con miles de metros instalados por todo el mundo, la barandilla AREAL es el modelo HORIZAL “de referencia”. Se adapta a todos los estilos arquitectónicos con un notable toque de personalidad.

TECALUM Sistemes es distribuidor exclusivo para España de la gama de productos barandillas de aluminio de HORIZAL.

PERSIANES PRATS es distribuidor exclusivo para España de la gama de productos puertas y vallas de aluminio HORIZAL.